Stepping Up Security
- On February 15, 2017
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve recently equipped our website with SSL encryption. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption ensures that information you enter on our site is encrypted and hidden from hackers, sniffers, scammers, and the like.
When you enter information on a website, that information is sent from your browser to the site’s web server. If the website is not equipped with SSL technology, the information is sent in plain text. If an attacker were to intercept your communications with the server, your information would be easy to obtain and interpret. However, when the website in question is equipped with SSL, all communications between the browser and server are encrypted, greatly increasing the amount of effort required to intercept and decrypt the data.
In an age where data security becomes more and more critical, Natural Element Homes is committed to making sure your confidential data remains exactly that… confidential!