July is National Log Home Month!
- On July 2, 2018
July is here, and it’s National Log Home Month!
Natural Element Homes is very excited to be an admittedly small part of the storied heritage of the great American log home. As one of America’s oldest construction techniques, there’s something venerable about forming shelter by stacking courses of logs that resonates in the heart and soul of the common man, and there remains a purity in constructing one’s family home out of the very building blocks of Creation.
As a modern company operating in a modern market, Natural Element Homes employs a number of state-of-the-art techniques to procure, manufacture, and design log homes and their component building materials. But, even as we get better at building the greatest log homes on earth, we cling to a particular reverence for the sacred act of building one’s own home.
Just as America’s earliest settlers sought to provide their families with the protection and peace of a family home, we take great satisfaction in helping the modern family accomplish the same. Though it may not be regarded as ceremoniously as it once was, building one’s own home is one of life’s greatest pleasures and most significant accomplishments.
So, as we enter National Log Home Month, and as the anniversary of our nation’s independence steadily approaches, we feel grateful to be a part of the great history of the United States of America, and of its oldest but most proven methods of construction — the great American log home.
Keep an eye on our blog and on your inbox, because we’ll be sharing all things log this July!