Featured Home & Floor Plans

Eagle Lake Lodge by Natural Element Homes
Shag Bark Lodge by Natural Element Homes
Long Branch Tower B by Natural Element Homes
Pear Mountain Lodge by Natural Element Homes

Home Plans Spotlight: Big Wolf Lodge 


5 Bedrooms
4 Baths
1 Half Bath

2,306 SF Main Level
1,320 SF Upper Level
2,127 SF Optional Basement
5,753 SF Heated
674 SF Porch / Deck
790 SF Garage


Big Wolf Lodge by Natural Element Homes

Featured Home Plans & Floor Plans

Enjoy these featured Natural Element Homes’ home & floor plans. Our passion is helping people design and build their dream homes, and we hope our passion shines through these unique plans.

Click on a plan to view its specifications, photos, floor plans, and to request pricing. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

If you want design your very own Natural Element Home, look no further! We can help with that.

Featured Collection:
Log Home Plans

Time and trends mean nothing to the perennial beauty of log homes. The most basic of construction, yet the most dynamic of structures, log homes are a favorite of those people who long for simple comfort and beautiful design. Hand-crafted or milled logs of eastern white pine or other species are used with the utmost precision to create a home that uniquely fits your personality and lifestyle.

Featured Collection: Timber Frame Home Plans

Timber frame homes feature large structural wooden beams visible throughout the interior which act as the structural skeleton of the home. The timbers are cut to fit together and connect with specialized joinery such as mortise-and-tennon connections held tightly together by wooden pegs. The timber frame serves the dual role of providing structure for the home as well as artistic beauty. Timber frame construction techniques have been used for hundreds of years throughout the world.

Featured Video:

Waterfront Way